Vocabulary Words - 3

 Hi All!

Hope you all are doing well. Here are some vocabulary words you can learn to prepare for tomorrow's mini-quizzes:

  1. Bumbling: lacking physical movement skills
  2. espouse: to adoptor support an idea or cause
  3. exalt: praise
  4. discrete: constituting a separate entity or part
  5. admonitory: serving to warn
  6. intransigent: unwilling to change one's beliefs
  7. underscore: give extra weight to
  8. provincial: characteristic of a limited perspective
  9. apocryphal: being of questionable authenticity
  10. largess: extreme generosity and giving
This would surely help you to prepare for Mini-Quizzes.

Follow: https://www.instagram.com/the_vocabulary_page_/

All the best for tomorrow's mini-quizzes.

Happy Learning!


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