Tesla Bot - Your personal assistant ?

Elon Musk has stated that we would have the Tesla Bot by next year. The main purpose of Tesla bot is to eliminate repetitive tasks or boring tasks we do in our everyday lives. This is the current mission of Elon Musk.

So, what's gonna be the impact of Tesla Bots on the society and our future ?

I think we might be able to eliminate the repetitive tasks we do. Like, we could get someone to get us a glass of water every time we feel thirsty. Sounds interesting, doesn't it ?

The Tesla Bot would mostly be coming up with a walking speed of max 8 Km/hr, and the Tesla bot would be similar to a human, as in, it would have five fingers to do tasks, just like a fellow human being.

I personally think this is going to be really amazing. The world is drifting towards automation, so that repetitive and boring tasks could be eliminated, and humans could work on only creative and productive tasks. And, that is awesome. Yeah, I understand that we might become lazy because of this. But, its still fun.


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