Current Affairs - 07 August, 2021 - Daily Current Affairs to improve General Knowledge and to prepare for competitive exams

  1. The Maharashtra government has decided to train 2000 OBC students for the MPSC (Maharashtra Public Services Commission exams and 1000 for the UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams.
  2. Amazon has announced the launch of a new specialized FC (Fulfilment Centre) in Telangana.
  3. The Women and Child Ministry have informed that Rekha Sharma has been nominated as chairperson of the NCW (National Commission for Women) for another term of three years.
  4. Johnson and Johnson's single dose COVID-19 vaccine became the fifth vaccine to be approved by government of India.
  5. The first NHFB (National Heart Failure Biobank) of the country had been inaugurated at the SCTIMST (Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology).
  6.  SSFB (Suryoday Small Finance Bank) has launched a 'Suryoday Health and Wellness Savings Account.'
  7. the 2nd IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) International Conference on Range Technology (ICORT-2021) was held virtually.
  8. The government of India aims to increase fisheries exports to Rs 1Tn by FY25.
  9. Sjoerd Marijne would be stepping down as the coach of women's national hockey team.
  10. The US has passed a bill to strengthen support for Taiwan to participate in WHO .


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