A word a day #117 - Daily Vocabulary builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Noun

- Pronunciation (Hindi):  अह - फ्रे 

- Pronunciation (English): Uh-fray

- Meaning (Hindi): कलह, हंगामा, झगड़ा

- Meaning (English): a brawl, fight or fray

- Examples:

  1. The men were charged with affray.
  2. The boxer, of Panipat, denies affray charges.
  3. Be a hero in the affray.
  4. The dark avengers were charged with causing an affray.
- Synonyms:
  1. encounter
  2. battle
  3. clash
  4. melee
- Antonyms:
  1. agreement
  2. calm
  3. harmony
  4. peace


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