A word a day 116 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Pronunciation (Hindi): अए  - फ्लू -अन्स 

- Pronunciation (English): aey-floo-uhns

- Meaning (Hindi): समृद्धि, संपन्नता, धन

- Meaning (English): abundance, wealth

- Examples:

  1. Pockets of affluence coexist with poverty.
  2. Their affluence is more apparent than real.
  3. They are the products of post war affluence.
  4. Affluence was a hardly protective factor for car owners.
  5. The effect of increasing affluence is to minimize the importance of economic goals.
- Synonyms:
  1. prosperity
  2. fortune
  3. opulence
  4. richness
- Antonym:
  1. Poverty


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