A word a day #112 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Noun

Pronunciation (Hindi): अए -फ -डे-विट 

- Pronunciation (English): a-fuhh-dae-vuht

- Meaning (Hindi): शपत पात्र /लेख 

- Meaning (English): a written declaration on oath

- Examples:

  1. He gave an affidavit to the judge about the incident he witnessed.
  2. An application of this has been made, supported by an affidavit.
  3. There was no affidavit to explain their absence.
  4. According to the affidavit, their fight had initiated because of money issues.
  5. He will have to go for an affidavit for that, which is not an easy matter.
- Synonyms:
  1. Oath
  2. Testimony
  3. Affirmation
  4. Sworn statement


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