A word a day #110 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary skills and to prepare for competitive exams


- Adjective

 - Pronunciation (Hindi): अए- फे -बल  

- Pronunciation (English): ay-fuh-bl

- Meaning (Hindi): मिलनसार, सुशील

- Meaning (English): courteous; pleasant or friendly


  1. Mr. Stark struck me as an affordable sort of a man.
  2. Captain America smiled an affable smile.
  3. We found Hawkeye's family very affable.
  4. Thor was an affable, free-spirited man.
  5. He was very affable at the meeting.
- Synonyms: 
  1. freindly
  2. amiable
  3. genial
  4. cogenial
  5. warm
- Antonyms:
  1. unfriendly
  2. prickly


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