A word a day #109 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Pronunciation (Hindi): अह -फी -शिओन -आडो 

- Pronunciation (English): Uh-fee-shee-uh-naa-dow

- Meaning (Hindi): भक्त, अनुकरणकर्ता

- Meaning (English): a devotee of sport or pass time

- Examples: 

  1. I happen to be an aficionado of the toys of Iron-Man
  2. Are you an art aficionado?
  3. Are you an Avengers aficionado ?
  4. They are back to being an attraction for the aficionado only.
  5. This is good news for postcard aficionado Steve Rogers.
- Synonyms: 
  1. expert
  2. enthusiast


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