A word a day #108 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary Skills and to prepare for competitive exams


- Verb

- Pronunciation(Hindi): अ -इस -टी-वेट 

- Pronunciation (English): Uh-ees-ti-wayt

- Meaning (Hindi):  ग्रीष्म-ऋतु में जड़ तथा शिथिल रहना

- Meaning (English): spread the summer or dry season in a state of torpor

- Examples: 
  1. That fruit might aestivate in this weather
  2. That actually aestivates in drought like conditions.
  3. They may aestivate in the dry season.
  4. Species native to temperate latitudes typically aestivate.
  5. They do not brumate, but may aestivate in hot, dry weather.


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