A word a day #105 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Adjective

- Pronunciation (Hindi): एस -थे -टिक 

- Pronunciation (English): Uhs-theh-tik

- Meaning (Hindi): सौंदर्य विषयक, सौंदर्यात्मक, सौंदर्यबोध-विषयक

- Meaning (English): artistic, exquisite

- Examples:

  1. My aesthetic standards do not match with her.
  2. The new building gives a different aesthetic appeal.
  3. Charisma will always win over an aesthetic personality.
  4. There is an aesthetic to movement.
  5. This outfit is so aesthetic.
- Synonyms: 
  1. Attractiveness
  2.  beauteousness
  3. Beautifulness
  4. Comeliness
- Antonyms: 
  1. Flaw
  2. Imperfection
  3. grotesqueness
  4. Hideousness


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