A word a day #104 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Noun

- Pronunciation (Hindi): इस - थीट 

- Pronunciation (English): eees - theeet

- Meaning (Hindi): सौंदर्य विज्ञान का मतावलंबी

- Meaning (English): A person who has or professes to have a special appreciation of beauty

- Examples: 

  1. He seems to be a paradoxical aesthete.
  2. Nobody will deny that he is an outstanding aesthete.
  3. One of his most noticable character traits is that he is an aesthete.
  4. This theory of mine proves that he was a misunderstood aesthete.
  5. As an aesthete, he tried to blur the difference between art and life.
- Synonyms: 
  1. person of good taste
  2. connoisseur
  3. dilettante
  4. esthete


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