A word a day #102 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Noun

- Pronunciation (Hindi): ई -यान 

- Pronunciation (English): ee-aawn

- Meaning (Hindi): कल्प , युग , अनंत काल 

- Meaning (English): a vast age, eternity

- Examples: 

  1. For an Aeon of time, the actions of Captain America meant everything to us.
  2. Minute after minute, aeon afteraeon, it seemed as nothing was happening.
  3. And Dr. Strange, going from aeon to aeon, did an amazing job.
  4. Captain America's nature in this aeon is in view.
  5. Aeon Aeon thou existed in curiosity.
- Synonyms: 
  1. Age
  2. Epoch
  3. generation


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