A word a day 88 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams

Ad nauseam

- Phrase

-  Pronunciation (Hindi): अ-एड-नाव-ज़ी-अ-हम

- Pronunciation (English): Aed-naw-zee-uhm 

- Meaning (Hindi): घृणा उत्पन्न करने तक

- Meaning (English): to the point of producing disgust

- Examples: 1. Tired of arguing this ad nauseam, Captain America decided to walk away from this repetitive dispute with Tony Stark.

2. Mr. Stark's constant bragging was ad nauseam and made his employees want to barf.

3. A crazy fan of Captain America wrote letters ad nauseam until the irritated star filed a restraining order.

4.  The same plan is repeated ad nauseam, in particular, the ship is not completely built yet.

5. No doubt, we will read it ad nauseam in the meeting with Bucky Barnes tomorrow.

- Synonyms: repeatedly, frequently, often

- Antonyms: infrequently, rarely


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