A word a day 87 - Daily Vocabulary Builder to improve Vocabulary and to prepare for competitive exams


- Verb

- Pronunciation (Hindi): अ-एड-मॉन-इश

- Pronunciation (English): Aed-mawn-eysh 

- Meaning (Hindi): धिक्कारना

- Meaning (English): to warn, to reprove mildly

- Examples: 1. Don't admonish him.

2. The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him.

3. We can admonish them to not clear the forest.

4. I will tactfully admonish him not to behave like this again.

5. The teacher had to admonish the student who talked out of turn during the lesson.

- Synonyms: reprimand, rebuke, scold 

- Antonyms: praise


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