Current affairs #03/03/2021

1. Virat Kohli has become the first cricketer in the world to have 100 million followers on Instagram.

2. Nascom is launching an 'AI Gamechangers' to promote artificial intelligence led innovation in the country.

3. Researchers at IIT-Kharagpur have developed a soil mapping technology to bring efficiency in the use of fertilisers in farmland.

4. The government on March 2 2021, notified comprehensive amendments to the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017.

5. India and Norway have agreed to jointly work in the area of marine spatial planning in the oceanic space for the next 5 years.

6. The Union Cabinet has approved an MoU between the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers' welfare of the Republic of India and Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Fiji for cooperation in the field of agriculture.

7. The Cabinet has approved the MoU between India and France in the field of renewable energy cooperation.

8. Sea Ltd. is injecting $1 billion into a new unit that will manage bets on fledgling technology companies.

9. Venture Capital firm Inflexor Ventures has launched a DeepTech fellowship programme under which they will provide seeds to series A funding to startups that are part of their $100 million funds.

10. Nagaland launches its first air cargo services from Dimapur Airport on 2 March 2021.


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